Dear Customers

The creation of Shekina is the beginning of a beautiful adventure of friends who have a common passion.

Agnieszka - a woman with a golden heart and outstanding aesthetic sensitivity, who has an artistic sense and at the same time is well acquainted with the standards of the contemporary world. She did not doubt for a moment that the products of Asian masters would delight sophisticated European craft aficionados.

Krzysztof - loving the warmth of his home, a man of extraordinary strength of character, a realist and a good organizer, familiar with technical matters and taking care of the highest quality. He was ready to face any difficulties that might have occurred in such a bold undertaking.

All of them, as friends do, wanted to work together, joining forces. People of extremely different characters, yet together - an artist and an analyst.

They wanted the most beautiful wood products and many other great things that our world offers to decorate the interiors of your homes. That's why Shekina was created.

Shekina is the path - the path the work travels from the hands of a craftsman, master, miracle maker, who creates in a distant part of the world, to you, who create your own unique world.

Shekina is style, balance, elegance and, above all, uniqueness.