Privacy policy for the website

Dear Sir or Madam,

we would like to inform you that from May 25, 2018, the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free flow of such data will be applied. Directive 95/46 / EC (general regulation on data protection), hereinafter referred to as "RODO".

The validity of the provisions of the RODO requires us to transfer to you, natural persons, including natural persons conducting business activity and natural persons representing legal persons or organizational units without legal personality, all information required by the RODO on how we process and protect your data. personal.


1. Data administrator.

The administrator of your personal data is: Shekina s.c. Agnieszka Lewińska, Krzysztof Łyszczyk with headquarters in Szczecin, Boh. Getta Warszawskiego 6 / 8b, 70-302 Szczecin, 852-263-98-28, REGON 369293186

2. Contact person for questions regarding data processing.

In order to forward any questions, declarations, requests regarding the processing of your data, you can contact the Administrator of the Data Protection designated by the Administrator at the following e-mail address:

3. The purpose of data processing.

Your personal data will be processed in order to:

a) first of all performance of the contract or taking necessary actions for the conclusion and performance of the contract, e.g. telephone or e-mail to determine, cancel or change the date, scope, manner of service (Article 6 (1) (b) of the GDPR) .

b) arising from legitimate interests pursued by the Administrator or by a third party (Article 6 paragraph 1 letter f) of the RODO, including determination, security, defense, and redress,

c) marketing of the Administrator's products and services (Article 6 paragraph 1 letter a), and this will only happen to the extent to which you have expressly consented to it in accordance with the law and voluntarily.

4. The scope of data processed by the Administrator.

The administrator will process the given by you:

- personal data, such as: name, surname, address details, telephone number, e-mail address,

- PESEL, Tax Identification Number, identity document data for the purposes of tax settlements, findings, defense, and redress

- information about purchased goods and services used.

5. Recipients of personal data.

In connection with the processing of personal data for the purposes set out above, your personal data may be transferred or entrusted to entities authorized to obtain personal data under the law:

a) entities providing outsourcing services for the Administrator, including: accounting services, IT services, legal services, marketing and / or event services,

b) to public authorities, on the basis of statutory requirements.

6. Transmission of data to third countries.

Your personal data, as a rule, will not be transferred to third countries. Your data may, however, be indirectly transferred to third countries (USA) in connection with activities undertaken on social websites and the use of programs, applications from these websites, including Facebook, Twitter, Google+.

7. Data retention period.

The data processed on the basis of your consent for processing for marketing purposes will be processed no longer than it is necessary to achieve the purpose for which consent has been granted, but no longer than for three years from the last contact with you.

The remaining data will be kept for three years from the last event that may cause any possible reciprocal claims on any title or legal basis. For some claims, this period may be extended if a longer period of limitation results from the generally applicable provisions of law.

After the above periods, the data will be deleted.

8. Rights of the data holder.

In accordance with the provisions of the RODO, we inform you that you have the right to:

a) access to your data (Article 15 of the RD0),

b) demand correction of your data (Article 16 of the RODO),

c) request removal of your data (Article 17 of the RODO),

d) request to limit the processing of your data (Article 18 of the RODO),

e) withdrawal of consent at any time without affecting the legality of the processing, which was made on the basis of consent before its withdrawal - in the case where processing takes place on the basis of the consent granted by you (Article 13 paragraph 2 letter c of the RODO),

f) to transfer your data (Article 20 of the RODO),

g) object to the processing of your data (Article 21 of the RODO).

h) submitting a complaint to the supervisory body competent for the protection of personal data.

The above rights can be exercised by sending your statement to the e-mail address:

9. Voluntary data provided when concluding the contract and the consequences of not submitting it.

To the extent that your personal data is processed in order to conclude and perform the service, providing data, such as: name, surname, address data, is a statutory and contractual requirement and these data are necessary for the correct conclusion and performance of the contract. Failure to provide you with this basic personal data will result in the inability to conclude and perform the contract. Providing such personal data, such as a phone number or e-mail address is voluntary, failing to do so will not always result in the refusal to conclude or perform the contract. In such a case, the Administrator will not be able to contact you by phone or via email.

11. Data protection measures.

The administrator processes personal data in accordance with the security requirements provided for by applicable law. The administrator uses technical and organizational measures to ensure protection of personal data processing appropriate to threats and categories of data, including to protect them against unauthorized access, processing in violation of the law, change, loss, damage or destruction.

12. Change of regulations.

In the event of a change in the content or change in the interpretation of the provisions of the RODO, as well as changes in the content or change in the interpretation of other legal provisions related to the provisions of the GDPR or personal data protection, the Administrator may amend or supplement this information on the protection of personal data.

a) entities providing outsourcing services for the Administrator, including: accounting services, IT services, legal services, marketing and / or event services,

b) to public authorities, on the basis of statutory requirements.